
Procedures For Foreign Degree Recognition In Vietnam

July 17, 2023 | Legal Updates

On 15 April 2021, the Ministry of Education and Training issued Circular No. 13/2021/TT-BGDDT (“Circular 13”) regarding conditions and procedures in recognition of Decrees issued by Foreign Educational institutions using in Vietnam. This Circular took effect on June 1, 2021, and supersedes Decision No. 77/2007/QD-BGDDT, Circular No. 26/2013/TT-BGDDT , and Circular No. 17/2017/TT-BGDDT.

In more detail

The aim of the recognition

Recognition of a degree awarded by a foreign educational institution for use in Vietnam refers to the recognition of a learner’s qualification written on a degree of the education system of the home country of the foreign educational institution and the determination of the equivalent qualification in the Vietnamese Qualifications Framework.

Degree recognition rules

1. Degree recognition shall be carried out at the request of the degree holder, the personnel authority, or a worker management unit with the permission of the degree holder.

2. A degree awarded by a foreign educational institution may be recognized when the learner has completed an accredited educational program according to regulations of the institution’s home country and the degree is recognized by the competent education authority of this country according to regulations in Article 4 of Circular 13.

3. Degrees awarded by foreign educational institutions may be exempt from degree recognition if they meet the conditions provided for in Article 5 of Circular 13.

4. Higher education institutions shall self-assess degrees for use in training activities based on conditions provided for in Article 4 of Circular 13 and take responsibility before the law for degree assessment results. Where necessary, higher education institutions may request degree holders apply for degree recognition in compliance with Article 7 of Circular 13 regulations.

Conditions for degree recognition

1. Degrees awarded by foreign educational institutions may be recognized when the study or research duration of the degree programs is appropriate to the structural framework of the national education system, and either of the following conditions is fulfilled:

a) The degree program has been accredited by an accrediting organization of the home country of the foreign educational institution as suitable for the mode of study;

b) The foreign educational institution is permitted to provide training and award the degree by the competent education authority of its home country or has been accredited by an accrediting organization of its home country.

2. Degrees awarded by foreign educational institutions operating in another country besides their home countries (including Vietnam) may be recognized when these institutions are permitted to establish a branch and provide training or participate in joint training or training cooperation by competent education authorities of both countries; provide training according to their licenses and meet the regulations in Clause 1 of this Article.

3. Online-learning and blended-learning degrees awarded by foreign educational institutions may be recognized when they meet the regulations in Point a Clause 1 herein and either of the following conditions:

a) The Ministry of Education and Training permits the provision of the degree program in Vietnam to learners living and studying in Vietnam;

b) The competent education authority of the country where the degree program is provided permits the provision of the program to learners living and studying in that country;

4. The Minister of Education and Training has the power to decide the recognition of degrees awarded by foreign educational institutions to learners affected by war, natural disasters, epidemics, fire, and other force majeure events.

Exemption from degree recognition

1. The following degrees awarded by foreign educational institutions are exempt from degree recognition when they are used in Vietnam:

a) Degrees awarded by foreign educational institutions under agreements on degree equivalence or mutual degree recognition or degree-related conventions to which the Socialist Republic of Vietnam is a signatory and which have been published by the Ministry of Education and Training;

b) Degrees awarded by foreign educational institutions to learners sent to study by the Ministry of Education and Training using the state budget;

c) Degrees awarded by foreign educational institutions to learners under Vietnam-based joint training programs approved by the competent authority after the entry into force of the Law on Amendments to Law on Higher Education (Law No. 34/2018/QH14 dated 19/11/2018).

2. Requirements for the degrees mentioned in Clause 1 herein:

a) Their names are in compliance with regulations on degrees of the Vietnamese national educational system;

b) Training duration and admission requirements adhere to regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training;

c) For in-class learning and blended learning, online classes must constitute no more than 30% of the total classes of each program.

3. Exemption from degree recognition does not include exemption from degree verification; regulatory bodies, organizations, or employers shall take responsibility for degree verification where necessary.

Degree recognition procedures

The Application for Degree Recognition includes:

a) Copy of the degree or copy from the master’s degree register together with a notarized Vietnamese translation and copies of directly relevant degrees and certificates;

b) Copy of the degree’s appendix or transcript together with a notarized Vietnamese translation;

c) Proof of overseas study (if any);

d) Letter of authorization of verification of degree information (if requested by the awarding institution).

Within 20 working days, the recognition authority shall notify the applicant of the degree recognition result. In cases where information on the degree needs to be verified by a foreign educational institution or a foreign verifying unit, this deadline may be extended to no more than 45 working days in total, starting from the date of receipt of the degree recognition application.


Foreign teachers who apply for a work permit in Vietnam may apply for recognition of a foreign-issued degree for usage in Vietnam. It is a vital step before they submit the application for a work permit in Vietnam there is the requirement from the competent agency.

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