
Investment procedures

January 30, 2018 | Guidelines

Investment registration procedures and licensing process

1. Procedures for investment registration "One door, spot."

1.1. Competent state agency to resolve investment procedures


Agency receiving


Agency to grant investment certificates

The project invests in Industrial Parks (IP), Export Processing Zone (EPZ), Hi-tech Zone, and Economic Zone (EZ)…

Management of IP, EPZ, Hi-tech Zone, EZ (Below referred to as Management )


- Investment projects outside IP, EPZ, Hi-tech Zone, and Economic Zone…
- Investment projects for infrastructure development of IP, EPZ, Hi-tech Zone, and Economic Zone… ( If no Management Board is established).

Department of Planning and Investment of provinces and cities under central authority.

People's committees of provinces and cities under central authority.

For projects falling under the Prime Minister's investment approval competence (appendix ...), an agency issuing investment certificates shall have to assume the prime responsibility for gathering written opinions of the concerned ministries and branches. Make a verification report to submit to the Prime Minister for decision on the investment policy before issuing the investment certificate.

1.2. Investment registration procedures

1.2.1. Forms of investment

* Direct investment:
- To set up an economic organization with 100% capital of a domestic investor or 100% of the capital of a foreign investor. 
- Establish a joint venture economic organization between domestic investors and foreign investors.
- Investment in the form of BCC, BOT, BTO, and BT contracts.
- Business development investment.
- Purchasing shares or contributing capital to participate in the management of investment activities.
- Investments make mergers and acquisitions the enterprises.
- Other forms of direct investment.
* Indirect investment:
- Buying shares, stocks, bonds, and other valuable papers;
- Through the Securities Investment Fund; Through other intermediary financial institutions;
- Investment activities through the purchase and sale of shares, shares, bonds, and other valuable papers of organizations and individuals and procedures for conducting indirect investment activities in accordance with the law on securities and Other relevant laws.

1.2.2 Regulations on procedures for investment projects


Project Scale

Less than 15 Billion VND

VND 15 billion to less than VND 300 billion

VND 300 billion or more

It is not a conditional investment sector and does not fall under the Prime Minister's investment approval competence


Not registered


Investigate the investment




Investigate the investment

Subject to the conditional investment domain and falls under the approving competence of the investment policy of the Prime Minister.

Domestic and Foreign

Investigate the investment

Investigate the investment

Investigate the investment


2. Process of granting investment certificate under the “One door, spot"

Process of granting investment certificate under the institution "One door, spot"


- Provincial People's Committee (PP): People's Committees of provinces and cities under central authority

- Department of Planning and Investment

- Management Board: Management Board of Industrial Zones, Export Processing Zones, HTPs, EZs.

The time limit for issuance of investment certificate on a case-by-case basis (from the date of receipt of a complete and valid dossier)

The time limit for issuance of investment certificate on a case-by-case basis

 (from the date of receipt of a complete and valid dossier)


Investment registration

Investigate the investment

(If the project is under the competence to approve the investment policy of the Prime Minister)

Investigate the investment
(if the project does not fall under the approving competence of the investment policy of the Prime Minister)

Up to 15 days

Up to 55 days

Up to 45 days


The number of dossiers of application for investment certificates (at least 01 original sets):

- The project needs the approval of the Prime Minister: 10 sets

- The project under the authority of the provincial People's Committee (city): 08 sets

- For projects under the management of the Management Board: 04 sets

2.1. Some samples of dossiers to investment certificate licenses

(Refer to Decision No. 1088/2006 / QD-BKH dated October 19, 2006 of the Minister of Planning and Investment on promulgation of forms of investment procedures in Vietnam).

Contact us

Add 1: 3rd Floor, Indochina Riverside Tower, 81 Tran Phu Street, Hai Chau District, Danang City, Vietnam

Add 2: 28 Thanh Luong 20, Hoa Xuan Ward, Cam Le District, Danang city, Vietnam

Hotline 1: (+84) 357 466 579

Hotline 2: (+84) 985 271 242

Phone: (+84) 236.366.4674
