Setting up a company in Vietnam

23 Business sectors subject to security and order conditions in Vietnam


Table of contents:

23 Business sectors subject to security and order conditions and scope of management: 

1. Seal production, consisting of the Production of the seals bearing the National Emblem of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, the seals bearing symbol as well as those without it by regulations of the law on management and use of seals.

2. Combat gear trading, consisting of Production, assembly, import, export, and trading in combat gears, bullets, and accessories of combat gears; repair of combat gears.

3. Firecracker trading, consisting of Production, processing, import, export, and trading in fireworks, other firecrackers, and powder by regulations of the law on the management and use of firecrackers.

4. Pawnshop services, consisting of Providing loans to borrowers who must put their legitimate property on a ledge at pawnshop service providers.

5. Massage services, consisting of the Use of physical therapies for massage or manual therapies to improve human health.

Massage services provided by health facilities for medical treatment and employment centers for providing jobs to the disabled are not governed by this Decree.

6. Trading of warning devices of emergency vehicles, consisting of Production, assembly, import, export, and trading of vehicle warning flags, lights, and sirens.

7. Security services, consisting of Protecting people, assets, subjects, and legal activities of agencies, organizations, and individuals.

Security services which are provided to protect subjects/objects under the Government’s List of subjects/objects protected by People’s Public Security Forces and People’s Army Forces, and security activities at agencies or enterprises as referred to in the Decree No. 06/2013/ND-CP dated January 09, 2013, providing for the security at agencies and enterprises are not governed by this Decree.

8. Trading of paintball guns, consisting of Production, assembly, import, export, and trading of paintball gunspaintballs or pellets and accessories of paintball guns; repair of paintball guns; supply of paintball shooting services.

9. Electronic casino game services for foreigners.

10. Debt collection services, consisting of Collection of debts in cash or kinds for agencies, organizations, or individuals under authorization contracts.

11. Casino business, consisting of Games of chance in the casino business.

12. Betting services, consisting of Types of betting services.

13. Gas business, consisting of Gas business activities provided for in Decree No. 19/2016/ND-CP dated March 22, 2016, on gas business.

14. Industrial explosive business, consisting of Production, import, export, trading, recycling, maintenance, transportation, and destruction of industrial explosives.

Research, development, and testing of industrial explosives are not governed by this Decree.

15. Explosive precursor business, consisting of Production, import, export, trading, maintenance, transportation, and destruction of ammonium nitrate of a high content (98.5% or higher) (hereinafter referred to as explosive precursors).

16. Business operations with the use of industrial explosives and explosive precursors, consisting of Operations with the use of industrial explosives for construction of works, exploration, and exploitation of minerals and petroleum; use of explosive precursors for the production of industrial explosives.

17. Blasting services, consisting of the Provision of services with the use of industrial explosives to serve the construction of works, exploration, and exploitation of minerals and petroleum to agencies, organizations, or individuals on their legitimate demand.

18. Printing services, consisting of Prepress, press, and post-press activities (except for screen printing establishments and photocopy establishments) for producing the following products:

a) Publications (except for Braille books, audio or video recordings which are used as substitutes or illustrations for books);

b) Newspapers, magazines, and other press publications as prescribed by the press law;

c) Paper forms and other papers with legal effect, issued by state agencies, political organizations, and socio-political organizations;

d) Anti-counterfeit stamps;

dd) Packages, stamps, and labels of pharmaceuticals, pharmaceutical chemicals, medicines, and functional foods (except for the cases where producers of pharmaceuticals, pharmaceutical chemicals, medicines, and functional foods themselves carry out the package, stamp, and label printing);

e) Financial invoices; papers with a pre-printed face value or for the inscription of face values.

19. Trading in mobile phone jammers, consisting of Production, import, export, and trading in devices used to prevent mobile phones from receiving signals from base stations.

20. Plastic surgery services, consisting of Using medical techniques to perform surgery for alternation of shape or appearance of body parts.

21. Karaoke and dance club business:

a) Karaoke services, consisting of Singing activities along with prerecorded music with images or with aid from other audio and video recording technologies;

b) Dance club business, consisting of Dancing activities at dance club service providers as prescribed by laws.

Activities of dance classes are not governed by this Decree.

22. Accommodation services, consisting of Accommodation establishments as referred to by regulations of the Law on Tourism and other types of accommodation renting services (on an hour or overnight basis) provided on the land or cruise ships.

Leasing of houses by organizations or individuals to Vietnamese people or foreigners (with house lease agreements) for residence, study, or working is not governed by this Decree.

23. Trading in military clothing and equipment of the armed forces, military weapons, technologies, devices, and vehicles for the military forces and police forces; parts, components, supplies, specialized equipment, and technologies for manufacturing thereof, consisting of:

a) Production and trading of military clothes and hats; army badges and insignia of People’s Military Forces and People’s Public Security Forces;

b) Production, assembly, import, export, trading, transportation, and repair of small-size military handguns as referred to by regulations of the law on management and use of weapons, explosives,  combat gears, radar speed guns to inspect the speed of motor vehicles, breathalyzers, GSM phone trackers and other types of phone trackers.

Parts, components, supplies, specialized equipment, and technologies for manufacturing small-size military handguns, radar speed guns, breathalyzers, GSM phone trackers, and other types of phone trackers.

For more Information:

Local Office Numbers:
Hotline: +84 357 466 579


Contact us

Add 1: 3rd Floor, Indochina Riverside Tower, 81 Tran Phu Street, Hai Chau District, Danang City, Vietnam

Add 2: 28 Thanh Luong 20, Hoa Xuan Ward, Cam Le District, Danang city, Vietnam

Hotline 1: (+84) 357 466 579

Hotline 2: (+84) 985 271 242

Phone: (+84) 236.366.4674
